
hEART 2020 : 9th Symposium of the European logoheart2020Association for Research in Transportation organised by LAET (ENTPE, University Lyon2) on February 3-4, 2021



Call for papers

The symposium is an annual event organized by the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART). Previous locations of hEART symposia include Lausanne (EPFL, 2012), Stockholm (KTH, 2013), Leeds (University of Leeds, 2014), Copenhagen (DTU, 2015), Delft (TU Delft, 2016), Haifa (Technion, 2017), Athens (NTUA, 2018), and Budapest (BME, 2019). After these successful meetings, the ninth conference of European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) will arrive to Lyon in 2021.

LAET is organizing the conference at ENTPE, Vaulx-en-Velin-Lyon ( It will cover relevant areas of transportation research with specific focus on methods, models and planning of transport systems.

The aim of the conference is to connect researchers in transport modelling, transport economics, transport engineering and transport policy with advanced practice and state of the art. Bringing together leading experts and promising young researchers, the symposium offers an opportunity for scientific discussion and interaction in relatively small groups. The conference will be accompanied by social events and a summer school intended for PhD students the day before the symposium on April 6th 2021.

Submission guidelines

Short papers of 2000-3000 words are invited for submission by 15 February 2020. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the scientific committee. The short papers should clearly state the research goals, elaborate methods and discuss the results in order to allow the scientific committee to assess their quality. On-going researches are not welcome as we are expecting clear indication of the conclusions from the research. Only original contributions are considered for presentation at the conference. Submissions should be made on easychair conference hEART2020:

A maximum of one presentation is allowed per person attending the conference. This means that an author can be co-author in multiple papers, but is not allowed to present more than one paper.



The 9th edition of the conference will include several transportation related topics and will focus on issues of transport modelling, transport economics, transport engineering, planning and policy, innovative solutions.

Transport and LUTI (Land Use and Transport Interaction) modelling using different kind of modelling techniques (discrete choice, activity based, multi-agent…)


  • Travel demand/behaviour

  • Discrete choice analysis

  • Traffic flow theory and dynamic modelling

  • Operations research applications

  • Pricing and economic analysis

  • Autonomous and connected vehicles, shared mobility

  • Traveller information systems, MaaS (Mobility as a Service)…

  • Freight modelling and especially last mile in urban freight

  • Multi-modal transportation

  • New mobility services and active mobility (in relation with health research)

  • Big data analytics and validation (mobile phone data, smart card data, smartphone app…)

Journal publication

The conference has no specific proceedings; however, selected papers of excellent quality and in line with the scope of the special issues will be invited for special issues of leading international peer-reviewed journals (journal will approached after the conference based on paper presented at the conference). Submitted papers will be subject to journal standard review procedures.

Conference venue

The conference will be hosted on the campus of ENTPE in Vaulx-en-Velin ( The venue is easily accessible by metro + bus lines from main locations of Lyon area (including airport and train stations). Several accommodations are available in Lyon and Villeurbanne (

Conference web site




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