hEART 2020 : 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation organised by LAET (ENTPE, University Lyon2) on February 3-4, 2021
hEART 2020: 9th Symposium of the European
Association for Research in Transportation
e-conference on February 3-4, 2021
organized by LAET (Laboratoire Aménagement Economie Transport /
Transport, Urban planning and Economics Laboratory)
ENTPE – University Lyon2
Lyon, France
Guillaume MONCHAMBERT, LAET – university of Lyon2
Due to COVID Pandemic, the organizers of hEART2020 together with the steering committee have decided to move to an e-conference, with a reduced size of 2-day organisation including keynote speeches and round table discussions in key areas of research. All hEART papers will be included in the website and authors are welcome to upload together with their paper, a recorded presentation (if they wish). Details at the bottom of the page.
February 3, 2021
Keynote speech Catherine MORENCY 13h30 – 14h30 Title: Challenges in understanding the interactions between transportation modes
This presentation will propose different analysis and modelling perspectives aiming to understand the interactions between various transportation modes using various sets of data such as survey and passive data stream. Illustrations using the Montreal case studies will be presented, examining changes namely is usage levels of bikesharing, carsharing, transit and taxis. Hence, results of the impacts of the implementation of new modes on the adoption of multimodal behaviours will also be briefly exposed. Important challenges will be discussed.
Catherine Morency is a civil engineer and professor at Polytechnique Montreal. She is head of the Mobilité Chair, which focuses on the implementation of sustainability in transportation, and of the Canada Research Chair on Personal Mobility which conducts research on the interactions between transportation modes.
Round table 14h45 – 16h45: How can we simulate transport mode use with various data sources? Chair: Patrick BONNEL, LAET, ENTPE
Papers selection from accepted papers
February 4, 2021
Keynote speech Stef PROOST 13h30 – 14h30 Title: Efficient climate policy for the transport sector
The paper reviews the cost-efficiency of proposed ambitious EU -policies for the automobile, truck, rail and aviation sector. Is fast penetration of battery electric cars and electric motorways possible and efficient? How important is the role of green electricity and how can we get the incentives right for the road sector? HSR is supposed to take over the role of aviation for medium distance trips in Europe until aviation becomes carbon neutral. For long distance aviation, biofuels look the most promising alternative but may not allow for growing aviation demand.
Stef Proost is professor of Economics at the KULeuven(B) and works on transport, environment and energy issues.
Round table 14h45 – 16h15: Transport and Climate: incentive, innovation and policy. Chair: Guillaume MONCHAMBERT, LAET, University Lyon2.
Papers selection from accepted papers
Keynote speech Isabelle THOMAS 16h30 – 17h30 Title: From sensor data to interaction models: a long way to go
Data nowadays provided by different types of geo-located sensors have opened new avenues for further research, for measuring in real time activities in cities and regions. This is especially true in transport and interactions related issues. By means of some examples selected in two recent research projects, I want to raise and illustrate some difficulties encountered in getting and cleaning these data, in using and interpreting them, and question their use in transport modelling and/or policy issues.
Isabelle THOMAS is Research Director at the FNRS and Professor (Extraordinary) at UCLouvain in Louvain-la-Neuve (Be). She conducts her research at the Center of Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), and teaches in at the School of Geography.
17:30-17:45 Closing remarks by Nikolas Geroliminis.
For all accepted papers:
- List of accepted papers with author names on Heart2020 web site: https://transp-or.epfl.ch/heart/2020.php
- For all authors, accepted short papers are available on Heart2020 web site. Authors have the opportunity to update the short paper or to replace by long paper in pdf format. Please upload, before the conference, the update or new version on https://enquetes.msh-lse.fr/index.php/881218/lang-en
- For all authors, possibility to create a paper presentation video. Authors should upload, before the conference, the video on YouTube or personal website and indicate the link on https://enquetes.msh-lse.fr/index.php/881218/lang-en to be put on the Heart2020 web site after the conference
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